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Can you imagine being in the right place at the right time? Your toes almost tingle. Excitement was coursing through my veins the day I met world renowned scientist Dr. Joe McCord. But let me back up a bit…
At the time, I was 45 and feeling my age. Nothing was really wrong except I was tired all the time. In fact, I was the queen of power naps. I had taken them every afternoon for 15 years and the sad part was the fact that I seemed to crash in the early afternoon just as my kids were coming home from school. My mind would get foggy and I would start to drag. I would welcome my kids home, ask about their day and say, “Mommy is so tired. I need a power nap. Will you please make sure I’m awake in 20 minutes? Please don’t let me sleep longer than 20 minutes.”
That was our life for 15 years. I thought it was just a natural part of aging.
Fast forward to 2009 and the toe-tingling day when as a photographer, I got to meet the world renowned scientist. I did a quick online search before he came to our studio and was BLOWN AWAY by what I learned. He had unlocked the secret to activating DNA pathways and the results were mind boggling. In fact, in 2015 researchers at the University of Washington stated that activating
“the health effects of Nrf2 (which is what he had done) may well become the most extraordinary therapeutic and most extraordinary preventive breakthrough in the history of medicine”*
WHAT?!!! The most extraordinary breakthrough? More extraordinary than antibiotics? More extraordinary than washing your hands before surgery? “More extraordinary” is a HUGE claim!
I listened enthralled as the journalist interviewed this famous scientist. I though to myself, I am activating my DNA pathways for the rest of my life. I didn’t know anyone who was doing it but I knew I was starting immediately. I even felt a little pang of regret that I didn’t find out about it earlier.
I rushed to get this amazing product and thought to myself, this will slow aging (which was later proven by the National Institute of Aging**). I probably won’t notice a thing and I’ll never know if it works because if it does I WON”T get the diseases my parents had (and it’s hard to notice when you don’t get something.) I decided I was willing to trust the scientist and I started taking the DNA Nrf2 activator (see this blog post to learn more about activation). I also started spreading the news with people I loved and eventually online and, “Viola!” my new career was born.
A few months later, I was having a conversation with a friend. She mentioned power naps. I felt this huge wave of relief rush through me as I gratefully realized that I couldn’t remember the last time I had taken one.
Can you believe it?! I went from 1-2 power naps a day to zero without even noticing (and that was well over a decade ago!)
Today, I have energy, mental clarity, great sleep and I live like I’m in my twenties most of the time. (Don’t worry, I still smarter than I was back then.)

I call DNA activation “discipline in a pill” because after a few months of activating, I had discipline to start working out, discipline to follow through on projects, discipline to keep my word to myself, and lots of other great things like faster recovery times when I exercise. I equate gene activation with having “happy DNA” and when my DNA expression makes the good stuff, it affects everything in my life for the better.
I still don’t quite know how I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time in 2009. And I still feel that same excitement – no an even more intense excitement – when I share the world of DNA activation with people.
There is something so satisfying when you get to help people feel better and do more with their precious time here on earth. And besides, despite all the media attention no one seems to be aware of this powerful breakthrough so it’s kind of a BIG deal that I get to share with folks I care about what is quite possibly ““… the most extraordinary therapeutic and most extraordinary preventative breakthrough in the history of medicine.” *
Please spread the word. You may be answering someone’s prayer. 🙏🏻
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*Pall ML, Levine S. Nrf2, a master regulator of detoxification and also antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other cytoprotective mechanisms, is raised by health promoting factors. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2015 Feb 25;67(1):1-18. PMID: 25672622. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25672622/