For over a decade I have been explaining the difference been activation and supplementation. It’s kind of a big deal so let’s do a quick dive.

Supplementation: When people think of vitamins, they think of supplementation. Supplementation is the act of giving your body lots of something, for example Vitamin C, and as it enters your body you hope that the Vitamin C gets absorbed. If that Vitamin C molecule gets inside your cell, you hope that it links up and neutralizes a free radical so that the free radical won’t damage your cell. And that’s a good thing.
Activation: With Activation you take a small amount of a very specific blend of nutrients. This blend satisfies a specific receptor site on your cells. That sets off a chain reaction that ends with your DNA being activated to produce molecules and enzymes in a ratio that you did when you were younger. You know, when you had more energy, more focus and you healed faster.
Conclusion: Just one of the activated enzymes can link up with a million free radicals in a single second! That is super powerful and much more effective than the Vitamin C molecule trying to address the free radical problem.
As you can see, ACTIVATION is billions of times more powerful than supplementation. You truly can easily leverage activation for many things, even to slow aging as shown in this study:
Isn’t it about time you begin to activate your DNA so that you can feel better, do more and actually live younger? It’s an exciting world we now live in. Don’t get left behind.