Today I came across a quote that really touched my heart and I wanted to share it with you. The quote goes like this: “Do you know what you are? You are a marvel.” – Pablo Casals.
When I read these words, I was reminded of a Tom Bilyue speech where he lists the odds of ever being born. They are astronomical. The fact that you are here at all is a marvel and while it’s easy to forget just how amazing and wonderful we truly are, especially when we’re going through tough times, I hope you’ll learn to marvel at the marvel that is YOU.

Think about it – you have overcome so much in your life, and you have so much potential within you. You have talents and abilities that are waiting to be discovered, and you have the power to make a difference in the world.
Like Clark Kent, there’s a superhero inside you just waiting for you to accept who you really are. Someone with extraordinary powers and a destiny to fulfill. And the truth is, you can’t do it as someone else. You have to truly be you to be the superhero in you.
So let’s dive in and see how to bring out your superhero self because being your own superhero means taking control of your life. It means recognizing your own strength and power, and using it to overcome challenges and obstacles. Here are some tips to help you become your own superhero:

1. Believe in Yourself
The first step to becoming your own superhero is believing that you have the power to make a difference. Believe in your own abilities and don’t let anyone else tell you what you can or cannot do. You are capable of amazing things and the first step to achieving them is believing in yourself. Just for today repeat the mantra “I trust my intuition to guide me in making a difference today.”
2. Get a Clear Picture
Superheroes always have a mission, a goal that they’re working towards. And while goals are the little things to help you take action, the real superpower of a superhero is in their vision. They know exactly how they want their world to be. Your true superhero knows that if you take time to see a clear vision of where you want to arrive, your brain will take charge and make things happen for you. Take a few moments at the beginning and end of each day to banish the bad guys and just enjoy a vision of your future superhero world.
3. Stay Positive and Resilient
Being your own superhero means being able to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. Stay positive and resilient in the face of adversity, and don’t let failures or setbacks bring you down. Remember, every superhero faces challenges – it’s how they handle them that makes them truly heroic. Decide now you will rise and move toward your vision after every setback. The goal is to make the time between and the setback and the rising shorter and shorter.
4. Help Others
Superheroes are known for helping others, and you can do the same. Whether it’s volunteering in your community or simply being there for a friend in need, helping others is a surefire way to feel like a hero. Remember, superheroes don’t help with a thought of a reward. Karma always shows up, though, and you will be surprised at how your random kindnesses will play a part in the unfolding of your superhero story.
5. Self Care
Finally, being your own superhero means taking care of yourself. Superheroes have to be prepared. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, eating healthy, and taking care of your mental health. Pick one tiny habit to add to your self care routine today – drink a glass of water along with your favorite beverage, eat a veggie before diving into your carbs or take a little walk at the end of a good meal. Taking care of you allows the best version of you to show up for everyone else.

Your Superhero is the Real You
Being your own superhero is all about recognizing your own power and using it to make a difference in the world. You don’t need superpowers to be a hero – but you do need to let go of some things that others want from you and do the things that you know deep inside only you, with your marvelous uniqueness can do.
Sometimes we can get caught up in our flaws and imperfections, but remember that those things make us who we are. We won’t ever be perfect, but we are still marvels – each and every one of us.
So, the next time you’re feeling down or discouraged, remember these words: You are a marvel. You are special and unique, and you have a superhero to offer the world. Don’t let anyone or anything dim your light. Embrace your marvel-ness and let it shine brightly for all to see.
Go ahead release your inner superhero. I’m here to cheer and applaud you!

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