Top Ten Scientifically Proven Sleep Tips
Sleep is the time of rejuvenation and is essential to human well being so what do you do when sleep is more of a nightmare than it is dreamy? Science has lot’s to say on the matter but rather than a deep dive, let’s jump right in with our countdown to your scientifically proven top ten tips for better sleep.
10) Aim to hit the sack at the same time each night, even on weekends.
9) Limit caffeine and sugar especially in the evening and eat your food early.
8) Dim lights around your home a few hours before bedtime.
7) Limit blue light from TV, computer and phone screens.
6) Do something that occupies your brain so that it focuses on an activity rather than worries.
5) Limit using your bedroom for other activities. Teach your body to go there only for sleep.
4) Remove electronics from your bedroom, including your phone if possible.
3) Make sure your multivitamin isn’t causing you to stay awake. (See Am/Pm Vitamin Blog)
2)Tape your mouth. There are specially designed tape strips for this and they help you sleep better. (Somnifix.com)
1) Go outside for at least 2-10 minutes early in the morning and at sunset to set your body’s biological clock.
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